
The paper of Yuriy Averyanov analyzes collections of stories describing miracles of eminent Sufis as a distinct genre of Wilayet-Namah appeared in Sufi hagiography following earlier manaqaba ( menqabe ) narratives of tabaqat or tadhkira biographies during the Mongol conquest of the Muslim Central Asia and Middle East. As a sort of sacred texts representing particular Sufi community and these works were to justify intimacy with the God of such or such Sufi master appealing to the tatter's miraculous deeds. The main object of the study is the famous biography of Hajji-Bektash-Wali al-Khurasani (13 century), which reached us in numerous versions written in prose and verses. The author reveals Christian and Buddhist influences, as well as legacy of Shi'i legends in Bektashi hagiography.

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