
Publisher Summary The Lepidoptera known cytologically are characterized by the ZO and ZW type of sex chromosomes, with the female heterogametic (ZO or ZW) and the male homogametic (ZZ). Secondary sexual characters are independent of gonadal control or hormones circulating in the hemolymph. A new bilateral gynandromorph of colias philodice is figured. The right side is female and alba and the left side is male and normal yellow except for alba patches in the distal part of the hindwing. It is suggested that these patches are produced over cells that have become femalelike by losing one Z chromosome late in development, with the entire insect presumed to have a uniform Aa or AA genotype for the alba genes. It is not known whether colias females are ZO or ZW. The chromosome number for the five species studied in this chapter is typically 31 or 32. As in Diptera, it appears that crossing over in Lepidoptera may be confined to the homogametic sex (male).

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