
It has been proposed that development of tolerance to the behavioral effects of ethanol depends on the degree of impairment produced by the drug; that is, more sensitive individuals should develop greater tolerance. Tests of this hypothesis with respect to acute functional tolerance have produced contradictory results. We tested the hypothesis by examining the genetic relationship between initial sensitivity and acute functional tolerance in the LSXSS recombinant inbred mice. We tested mice for initial sensitivity to the ataxic effects of 1.75 g/kg of ethanol in a stationary dowel balance test by determining blood and brain ethanol concentrations at fall. Acute tolerance to the ataxic effects of ethanol was determined by measuring blood ethanol concentration (BEC) at regain of dowel balance ability after the first injection (BEC1RB) and after a second ethanol injection of 2.0 g/kg (BEC2RB). Acute tolerance was quantified by the difference in ethanol concentration at the two regains of balance (BEC2RB - BEC1RB) or by the difference between the second regain and one of the initial sensitivity measures (BEC2RB - initial sensitivity). Four different measures of initial sensitivity were taken: two that used BEC values and two that used forebrain or hindbrain ethanol concentrations. We calculated acute tolerance values by using each of these initial sensitivity measures plus BEC2RB. No evidence of a genetic relationship between initial sensitivity and acute tolerance was found, which suggests that these are two independent phenomena with respect to stationary dowel balance. Three conclusions can be drawn from this work: (1) Orbital sinus BEC at early time points (<5 min postinjection) may or may not accurately reflect brain EC in mice, dependent on genotype; (2) there is no genetic relationship between initial sensitivity and acute tolerance to stationary dowel ataxia in the LSXSS RIs; and (3) sex-specific factors affect low-dose ethanol responses on the stationary dowel.

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