
Afield experiment was carried out in the city of Ramadi in the center of Al-Anbar Eight inbred lines of maize (Zea mays)were used in this study using factorial hybridization , In spring season (2008) four lines used as parents were crossed an four maternal parents in a factorial hybrid to produce sixteen FI crosses . The parents and crosses were grown in fall season of 2008 using R.C.B.D. with three replications to determine heterosis, general and specific combining ability effect and gene action . Highly significant differences were found among parental geno type and their crosses for all traits , The result showed that the cross (ZP607 ×S2) gave the highest vigor in each number of grain yield/ plant (36.9%) and rows/ ear (18.1%) of the high parent . The parental line ZP607 had the best GCA effects that expressed in (ZM12×HS) for grain yield/plant(9.81gm) . The value of additive gene variance was more than the dominance gene variance for all characters and the estimates of the average degree of dominance was exceeded more than one for all characters except plant hight, grain yield/plant . The result indicats that some inbred lines could be used in a breeding program , to develop new versions of high yield per plant and SCA to produce petter grain yield hybrids and most studied traits were under over dominance gene action .

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