
The article examines the question of the formation and evolution of the development of the right to access to information in Ukraine. The study of transformations and modern trends in the field of access to information is important for understanding the essence and directions of development of this right, which is particularly significant in the realities of the modern information society.The author notes that the problem of access to information in Ukraine has ancient historical origins and is organically connected with the understanding of the phenomenon of information in general and its role in the civilizational development of Ukrainian society. That is why the purpose of the article is to study the genesis of legal consolidation and provision of access to information in Ukraine.The optimal methodological basis for research is a complex of philosophical and worldview approaches to the study of the genesis of legal consolidation and provision of access to information in Ukraine, general scientific and specifically legal methods. Methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, historical-legal, terminological, hermeneutic-legal and comparative-legal methods were used.The article traces the history of legal consolidation and provision of access to information in Ukraine. The main periods of the development of the right to information are clarified, in each of which the peculiarities of approaches to understanding the meaning of information and ensuring access to it are investigated. Emphasis is placed on the issue of access to information in the context of freedom of speech, thought and press, as well as censorship as a way of controlling and limiting freedom of information in Ukraine.The author concluded that the modern state is not perceived in meaningful isolation from human rights, one of the most important of which is the right to information and access to it. This right has a long history, inseparable from the history of the institution of human rights and freedoms. Under the influence of different historical stages of society, the understanding of the right to access to information had its own characteristics. The leading trend in the development of access to information was the constant attraction to expansion, legal protection and guarantee, which is conceptually embodied in the norms of modern domestic legislation.

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