
The article is dedicated to one of the “blank pages” in the historiography of Latvian libraries − the beginnings of children’s departments in public libraries and independent children’s libraries, from the idea, its implementation and the first twenty years of operation in the independent Republic of Latvia (1918−1940). As there are no academic or popular publications on this topic, the so-called historical method is used in the research, which allows the reconstruction of the emergence and development of Children’s departments in public libraries and children’s libraries in the context of the library sector’s development in Europe and the United States. The main base of the research: press articles and books of the respective period, as well as documents in the National Archives of Latvia on the children’s departments of Rīga public libraries.
 The study shows that the ideological justification for free children’s libraries in Latvia was the same as in Russia and Sweden: the public’s desire to protect children and young people from the harmful effects of “pulp” literature (at that time even the term “dirty” literature was used) and to offer them “good” books instead. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, Latvia lacked the main precondition – a network of free public libraries, within which children’s departments in public libraries or independent children’s libraries could be organised. The first children’s department in a public library was only opened in December 1919 in Liepāja (the largest city in Latvia’s Kurzeme region), thanks to the enthusiasm of publicist and politician, library manager Voldemārs Caune and his conviction of the need for such a service. Until the Soviet occupation, it was the only children’s department at a public library in the province.
 The situation in the capital Rīga was different. Here, the first children’s department aimed at reducing the “book famine” was established by the State Library of Latvia in February 1922, but soon other organisations became involved in the provision of library services to the younger gene­ration. During the first period of independence of the Republic of Latvia, ten Children’s departments were opened in the public library system and at least ten more children’s libraries were opened by charity organisations in different city districts. The encouragement of Caune and like-minded enthusiasts, mostly members of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party (Hermanis Kaupiņš, Teodors Līventāls, Emma Kalniņa, etc.) also played an important role in their establishment, as did the municipality’s readiness to provide the necessary financial support.
 Although the Liepāja and Rīga children’s libraries were used very actively, insufficient state and local government funding for libraries hindered the establishment of special library services for children in the rest of Latvia. Thus, until the Soviet occupation in 1940, a network of children’s departments at public libraries and children’s libraries was created only in Rīga. The Soviet occupation saw a new phase in the development of children’s library services, as the establishment of children’s departments at public libraries or separate children’s libraries became mandatory throughout Latvia.


  • The first children’s libraries were founded in the United States (US) in the 1820s, but systematic development began in the second half of the 19th century

  • This study examines the development of children’s libraries and children’s departments in public libraries in the independent Republic of Latvia, starting with the opening of the first children’s department in 1919 up to the Soviet occupation in 1940

  • From 1920, the Latvian State Library was planning to establish a children’s reading room, because “there was a dearth of libraries throughout Latvia, students and pupils were without books, there was a real hunger for books.”[53]. Taking over and sorting the massive amount of books from former Tsarist Russian institutions, the library was creating a collection of children’s lite­ rature that which could be offered to book-starved children.[54]

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Jana Dreimane

During the first period of independence of the Republic of Latvia, ten Children’s departments were opened in the public library system and at least ten more children’s libraries were opened by charity organisations in different city districts. The Soviet occupation saw a new phase in the development of children’s library services, as the establishment of children’s departments at public libraries or separate children’s libraries became mandatory throughout Latvia. Pirmasis viešosios bibliotekos vaikų skyrius Liepojoje (didžiausiame Latvijos Kuržemės regiono mieste) buvo atidarytas tik 1919 m. Iki sovietinės okupacijos tai buvo vienintelis provincijos viešosios bibliotekos vaikų skyrius. Viešųjų bibliotekų vaikų skyrių tinklas ir vaikų bibliotekos buvo įsteigti tik Rygoje. Sovietų okupacijos metu prasidėjo naujas vaikų bibliotekos paslaugų plėtros etapas, nes visoje Latvijoje tapo privaloma įsteigti vaikų skyrius viešosiose bibliotekose arba atskiras vaikų bibliotekas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: vaikų bibliotekos, viešosios bibliotekos, bulvarinė literatūra, Voldemārs Caune, nepriklausoma Latvijos Respublika (1918−1940)

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