
The concepts, content and significance of predictive-personified medicine that are able to improve the quality of treatment, using genetic information when choosing the medical procedures that are necessary for a particular person are considered. Characteristic of the principles of predictive-personified medicine and its fundamental foundations are carried out: genomics; proteomics; metabolism; bioinformatics The history of the formation and development of predictive-personified medicine in the world is investigated, the relevant legal documents are analyzed. The main advantages of predictive-personified medicine are determined: detection of an illness at an earlier stage, when its treatment is more efficient and cheaper; division of patients into similar groups for the choice of optimal therapy; reduction of adverse reactions to drugs by more effective early assessment of individual negative reactions; improvement of the selection of new biochemical indicators, allowing to control the action of medicinal products; reducing the time, cost, and the number of failures in clinical trials of new treatments. It is noted that in Ukraine none of the well-known projects approved by the American and European committees on gene therapy are implemented. However, the priority direction of research in the field of genetics is chosen annually by more and more medical institutions of Ukraine. Examples of the introduction of predictive-personified medicine into medical institutions and scientific institutes in Ukraine are presented. It is concluded that ensuring the effectiveness of this direction of modern medicine depends on the elimination of many problems of socio-managerial and regulatory nature. In addition to their solution, the priority tasks in this area include the carrying out of significant informational and enlightening work with the population; increase of state funding for the development of preventive medicine; creation of public-private partnership of base centers.

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