
The induction of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in lymphocytes is associated with activation and the initiation of cellular proliferation. ODC is also an essential component in tumor promotion. Phorbol myristic acetate (PMA) is a mitogen for lymphocytes, but can also promote tumor formation. Tumor promotion is linked to the generation of free radicals induced by PMA. Modulation of intracellular glutathione is associated lymphocyte activation and in protection of cells from damage due to oxygen radicals. We examined the interaction between ODC activity and intracellular glutathione concentrations in EL4 murine lymphoblastoid cells. The intracellular glutathione concentration could be augmented in EL4 cells when cultured with the cysteine delivery agents 2-oxothiazolidine 4-carboxylate (OTC) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and suppressed with the γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase inhibitor buthionine sulfoximine (BSO). OTC and 2-ME suppressed ODC activity in fresh serum and PMA-activated EL4 cells. BSO had no effect on ODC activity of EL4 cells cultured in the presence of PMA. While both OTC and 2-ME augmented the total intracellular glutathione concentration, PMA enhanced only the level of oxidized glutathione. To determine if the mechanism by which PMA or fresh serum altered intracellular glutathione and ODC activity was through the generation of oxygen radicals, EL4 cells were cultured with free radical scavengers. The nonpermeant electron acceptor potassium ferricyanide, and the H 2O 2 scavenger catalase, lowered ODC activity in both serum-stimulated and PMA-activated EL4 cells. Similarly, incubation of EL4 cells with either potassium ferricyanide or catalase elevated intracellular glutathione concentrations. These data suggest that (a) modulation of intracellular glutathione in the EL4 lymphoblastoid cell line alters ODC activity induced by fresh serum and by the mitogen PMA; (b) activation of EL4 cells by PMA alone alters intracellular glutathione metabolism, which may be associated with its role as a mitogen in lymphocyte activation; and (c) the generation of free radicals in EL4 cells may play a positive role in cellular activation.

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