
The generalized pseudospectral (GPS) method is employed to calculate the bound states of the Hulthén and the Yukawa potentials in quantum mechanics, with special emphasis onhigher excited states andstronger couplings. Accurate energy eigenvalues, expectation values and radial probability densities are obtained through a non-uniform and optimal spatial discretization of the radial Schrödinger equation. Results accurate up to thirteen to fourteen significant figures are reported for all the 55 eigenstates of both these potentials withn <- 10 for arbitrary values of the screening parameters covering a wide range of interaction. Furthermore, excited states as high asn = 17 have been computed with good accuracy for both these potentials. Excellent agreement with the available literature data has been observed in all cases. Then > 6 states of the Yukawa potential has been considerably improved over all other existing results currently available, while the same for Hulthén potential are reported here for the first time. Excepting the 1s and 2s states of the Yukawa potential, the present method surpasses the accuracy of all other existing results in the stronger coupling region for all other states of both these systems. This offers a simple and efficient scheme for the accurate calculation of these and other screened Coulomb potentials.

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