
Two-photon ionization of atomic hydrogen with an excess photon is revisited. Thenon-relativistic dipole approximation and Coulomb Green function (CGF)formalism are applied. Using the CGF Sturmian expansion straightforwardly, onegets the radial transition amplitude in the form of an infinite sum over Gausshypergeometric functions which are polynomials. It is convergent if allintermediate states are in the discrete spectrum. In the case of two-photonionization with an excess photon, when photoionization is also possible,intermediate states are in the continuum. We performed the explicit summationover intermediate states and got a simple general expression for the radialtransition amplitude in the form of a finite sum over Appell hypergeometricfunctions, which are not polynomials. An Appell function may be expressed as aninfinite sum over Gauss functions. In the case of ionization by an excess photon,Gauss functions are transformed to give a convergent radial transitionamplitude for the whole region. The generalized cross sections for two-photonabove-threshold ionization of atomic hydrogen in the ground state and excitedstates calculated by us agree very well with results of previous calculations.Generalized cross sections for two-photon ionization of positronium in theground state are obtained by scaling those for atomic hydrogen.

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