
Being a social being, a person fulfills many social roles - in the family, in the work team, in the circle of friends, in the social environment (transportation, service sector, education, etc.). And these roles do not always correspond to the ideas formed in society regarding the functional purpose of men and women. Purpose - theoretical substantiation of the influence of gender identity on the readiness of future psychologists to pursue a professional career.
 Taking into account the gender characteristics of those acquiring the profession of psychologist indicates that the teacher acts with an understanding of the socio-cultural nature of the origin of the concepts of "masculinity" and "femininity", considers the personality of the future specialist above traditional gender norms and gender stereotypes, if they to some extent restrain and slow down the formation of psychological readiness for professional activity and the realization of a career. Understanding the gender-specific features of education is necessary not only for teachers to choose adequate methods and technologies, but also for the students of higher education themselves for self-improvement and self-development.
 Studying the problems of a professional career, modern researchers note that both men and women are interested in career growth (vertical career) and increasing their educational level and professionalism (horizontal career). People of both sexes are prestige-oriented, concerned about their positive professional image, decent pay, and have a high sense of responsibility. However, there is also a significant difference in the level of professional career success of women and men.

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