
The Gang: A Study in Adolescent Behavior. By Herbert A. Bloch and Arthur Niederhoffer. Price, $6.00. Pp. 229. Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 E. 40th St., New York 16, 1958. In this age of ultraspecialization, it is often most rewarding and gratifying read writings of colleagues in related fields who are attempting study and deal with same problems with which one is vitally concerned in one's day-to-day labors, albeit with a different perspective. The authors, a sociologist-anthropologist and a police lieutenant, offer a comprehensive and scholarly dissertation that covers in a most ambitious fashion general subject of adolescence and, more specifically, adolescent group and gang behavior. They present a thorough study of adolescent behavior in a variety of primitive and modern cultures, with an extremely interesting correlation of puberty rites and gang-initiation rituals. Finally, they reveal intimate picture of a typical big-city gang structure, with an analysis of its key members, their roles and their interreactions. Ascribing period of adolescence the social necessity confront demands of new adult status, authors note impressive similarity of adolescent crisis in all cultures and in all times. They study structure and power of adolescent group in various cultures, particularly nature of bonds which bind adolescent his group with such fanatical loyalty. They believe that formation of gangs appears be almost inevitable, given certain conditions of social structure and cultural training. The authors conclude that adolescent gangs may be profitably studied by using as a frame of reference theory of power. The gang attempts gain status and power through domination and manipulation of persons and events, a collective representation of individual gang member's guiding fiction, which is to prove he is a man. Through presence of gang, real, constructive, or symbolic, individual member gains ego support, courage, and

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