
Women have made extensive contributions to the fields of ecology/conservation. They have brought their unique backgrounds and sensitivities to bear on the subject. They have utilized their enormous energies for solving complex ecological problems. By consciousness raising as well as activism, they have brought their understandings to bear upon public views and policies. They have promulgated ecological changes which have made a difference. Along with educating the public concerning the lives of organisms and their relationship with their environment, they have also served as mentors for other people entering the fields of ecology/conservation. In these ways, the women that will discussed may considered the Gaias (Earth Mothers) of the ecology/ conservation movements. Examples of women to discussed as significant Earth Mothers are: Emma Lucy Braun, Ann Haven Morgan, Rachel Louise Carson, Eugenie Clark, Sylvia Earle, Wangari Maathai, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas, and Ruth Patrick. There are numerous others who could also have been mentioned but are not included in this particular study. These women serve as role models whose paths in the biological sciences could emulated by students at all levels, both male and female alike. In their unique fashions they have made significant contributions to their fields by amassing, analyzing and evaluating data concerning organisms and their interrelationships with the natural world. Much of this information is crucial to comprehending interactions between the living and the nonliving elements of ecosystems and understanding their maintenance. Many of these women also contributed to attempts to save organisms from extinction by preserving their ecosystems, or by causing the powers that be to become aware of the dangers posed by human interferences with the environment. Most of these women act as role models for future ecologists, and some have been actively involved in teacher training.

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