
Telomestatin is a potent G-quadruplex ligand that specifically interacts with the 3' telomeric overhang, leading to its degradation and that induces a delayed senescence and apoptosis of cancer cells. Protection of Telomere 1 (POT1) was recently identified as a specific single-stranded telomere-binding protein involved in telomere capping and T-loop maintenance. We showed here that a telomestatin treatment inhibits POT1 binding to the telomeric overhang in vitro. The treatment of human EcR293 cells by telomestatin induces a dramatic and rapid delocalization of POT1 from its normal telomere sites but does not affect the telomere localization of the double-stranded telomere-binding protein TRF2. Thus, we propose that G-quadruplex stabilization at telomeric G-overhang inactivates POT1 telomeric function, generating a telomere dysfunction in which chromosome ends are no longer properly protected.

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