
We analyse the fluctuations of the ground-state/funnel solutions proposed to describe M2-M5 systems in the level-k mass-deformed/pure Chern-Simons-matter ABJM theory of multiple membranes. We show that in the large N limit the fluctuations approach the space of functions on the 2-sphere rather than the naively expected 3-sphere. This is a novel realisation of the fuzzy 2-sphere in the context of Matrix Theories, which uses bifundamental instead of adjoint scalars. Starting from the multiple M2-brane action, a U(1) Yang-Mills theory on 2,1 × S2 is recovered at large N, which is consistent with a single D4-brane interpretation in Type IIA string theory. This is as expected at large k, where the semiclassical analysis is valid. Several aspects of the fluctuation analysis, the ground-state/funnel solutions and the mass-deformed/pure ABJM equations can be understood in terms of a discrete noncommutative realisation of the Hopf fibration. We discuss the implications for the possibility of finding an M2-brane worldvolume derivation of the classical S3 geometry of the M2-M5 system. Using a rewriting of the equations of the SO(4)-covariant fuzzy 3-sphere construction, we also directly compare this fuzzy 3-sphere against the ABJM ground-state/funnel solutions and show them to be different.

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