
Preface and Organization of the Book Part I. THE CONTEXT OF EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY Chapter 1. Educational Accountability Systems. Robert Linn Chapter 2. A Brief History of Accountability Testing: 1965-2007. Lorrie Shepard Chapter 3. The Politics of Educational Accountability: Can the Clock be Turned Back? Lorraine McDonnell Part II. EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY: TECHNICAL AND SUBTANTIVE ISSUES Chapter 4: Further Steps Toward the Development of an Accountability-Oriented Science of Measurement. Dan Koretz Chapter 5: Reliability of Large-Scale Assessment and Accountability Systems. Vonda Kiplinger Chapter 6: Equating and Linking of Educational Assessments in High-Stakes Accountability Systems. Vonda Kiplinger and Laura Hamiliton Chapter 7: Standard Setting. Edward Haertel Chapter 8: Toward a Normative Understanding of Student Growth. Damian Betenbenner Chapter 9: Causes and Effects. Derek Briggs and Ed Wiley Chapter 10: Fairness Issues and Educational Accountability. Katherine E. Ryan PART III: EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY EFFECTS Chapter 11: Accountability and Assessment: Is Public Interest in K-12 Education Being Served? Joan Herman Chapter 12. A View from the Teacher Trenches: Accountability and the Betrayal of the Standards Vision. Bella Rosenberg Chapter 13: School Improvement and Educational Accountability. David Miller Chapter 14: Enhanced Assessment for School Accountability and Student Improvement. Steven Dunbar Part IV FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY Chapter 15: Learning and Assessment in an Accountability Context. Eva Baker Chapter 16: Future Directions for Educational Accountability: Notes for a Political Economy of Measurement. Michael Feuer

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