
Martin Green is Chief Executive of the English Community Care Association (ECCA), the largest representative body for community care in England. The ECCA’s members are voluntary and private sector residential and nursing care home providers for adults. Martin, who has had an extensive career in non-governmental organisation development, both in the UK and internationally, is a Trustee of the International Longevity Centre and the National Aids Trust. He is a member of the Secretary of State for Health’s Stakeholder Board, the Ministerial Strategy Group on End of Life Care and the Governing Board of the National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care. He was awarded a Fellowship of the Institute of Public Sector Management in 2005 and a Fellowship of the Institute of Association Management in 2006. Before his appointment at ECCA he was Chief Executive of five British charities, coordinator of the Coalition for Quality in Care and a Trustee of Age Concern England. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Care Services Management.

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