
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, with the emergence of educational technologies and digital innovations, makes it essential for the Higher Education sector to review the teaching-learning practices to reshape the futuristic plans for 21st Century learners. English language education has been focused in regions, where the language-learning environment and procedures are transforming with the bend of new technological intrusions and AI intervention. Therefore; the present study aims to investigate the future of EFL Teaching and Learning given the 4IR in the MENA Region. The study is significant as it probes the teaching-learning strategies and examines the readiness of teachers, learners, and the learning environment. The study’s main question is, ‘To what extent is the learning environment concerning English language teaching and learning at universities in the MENA Region ready to cope with the 4IR demands?’ A survey, with 39 items under four sub-divisions, and a fully-structured interview were used. A total of 70 EL teachers participated from universities in the MENA and its neighboring regions. Linear Regression and Thematic analysis of the data show quantitative and qualitative results, respectively. Findings reveal an evident level of readiness in teachers. Results show that Teachers’ awareness seems to impact their tendency toward integrating educational technologies. The findings suggest careful curriculum revision because the resources are often reported as outdated. Since the role of EFL in the MENA is to prepare learners for 4IR socio-economic systems and their diversified challenges, the study recommends a thorough review to upgrade the teaching-learning resources, materials, and procedures.

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