
The blends of PVC and a copolymer of vinyl chloride and cetyl vinyl ether were observed in comparison with PVC homopolymer to study their compression characteristics and fusion rate on mixing roll.Then the fusion rates of several polymers and the blend were measured by means of Brabender Plastometer. The results showed higher fusion rate of the blend as the content of the copolymer increased in the blend.Next, in order to find the factor in heat stability of polymers during the processing, torque values were measured in plastogram. The results indicated that the blend had equilibrium torque for long time because of less elevating of stock temperature. The heat stability of the blend was almost the same as that of PVC homopolymer. Plastogram also showed that PVC having high polymerization degree had short time keeping equilibrium torque, and this fact was closely related to heat stability in the processing.When the blend type had the same content of cetyl vinyl ether as the one copolymer type, the blend showed long time of equilibrium torque in plastogram.The copolymer component in the blend was considered to decrease the generation of friction heat during mixing. Finally the extruding rates of several polymers, were measured in which the blend type gave high rate by lubricant action of the copolymer component in the blend.

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