
We give a version of the Funk-Hecke formula that holds with minimal assumptonsand apply it to obtain formulas for the distributional derivatives of radialdistributions in Rn of the typeYk􀀀rj(f (r)) ;where Yk is a harmonic homogeneous polynomial. We show that such derivatives havesimpler expressions than those of the form p􀀀r(f (r)) for a general polynomial p:


  • Where f is a radial distribution in restriction map Hk (Rn) and where p is a polynomial in n variables of the special form p (x) = Y (x) |x|2j, Y being a harmonic polynomial

  • The main ingredients of our analysis are, first, a minimalistic version of the Funk-Hecke formula that holds for operators that transform polynomials into formal power series, the kernels themselves being formal power series, and which seems to have independent interest

  • Our second tool is a careful analysis of the spaces of distributions of the type f (r) Y (x), where f is radial and Y is a homogeneous harmonic polynomial, analysis that extends the study of radial distributions of [12] and [5]

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Notice that c0,n = C = 2πn/2/Γ (n/2) , is the surface area of the unit sphere S of Rn. The space of homogeneous polynomials of degree k in n variables will be denoted as Pk or Pk (Rn). The set of all polynomials in n variables will be denoted as P or as P (Rn). We denote by Hk (Rn) the subspace of Pk (Rn) formed by the harmonic homogeneous polynomials of degree k. Hk is the space of all harmonic polynomials, a closed subspace of the topological vector space P. H′ as objects defined on the sphere S, it is many times true that spaces of functions and distributions, X, satisfy H ⊂ X ⊂ H′ and H ⊂ X′ ⊂ H′; for example, H ⊂ L2 (S) ⊂ H′, the elements of L2 (S) being those series. Where the Pm are appropiate multiples of the ultraspherical polynomials for dimension n [22, (A.6.13)]

The Funk-Hecke formula
Derivatives of smooth radial functions
Radial and related distributions
Derivatives of radial distributions
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