
Introduction: the functioning of the state system for ensuring transport safety is based on the Russian legislation that defines the goals, objectives, principles and legal status of participants in transport legal relations. The main branch of the federal law on transport security leaves open the list of measures that make up the content of the system, does not define its main functions. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the international and Russian legislation and the opinions of the scientists of various branches of law regarding the formation of a stable security system. Objective: to develop proposals for a system of measures to ensure transport security, to define and systematize the function of this system. Methods: the study was conducted using the general scientific and specific scientific (logical and legal, comparative and legal) methods of cognition. Results: the author has structured and supplemented the legally established system of measures to ensure transport security, defined and systematized the functions of the system. This study has the possibility of practical application when making changes to the legislation regulating the area of legal relations under consideration. Conclusions: the state system for ensuring transport security is a set of legal, economic, organizational, information, technical, technological and political measures taken in the field of the transport complex and aimed at its safe and sustainable functioning. Based on the target content and tools for regulating transport security, the following functions of the system are identified: strategic (target), regulatory (legal), organizational, informational, incentive and control.

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