
The question of how a mathematics student at university-level makes sense of a new mathematical sign, presented to her or him in the form of a definition, is a fundamental problem in mathematics education. Using an analogy with Vygotsky's theory (1986, 1994) of how a child learns a new word, I argue that a learner uses a new mathematical sign both as an object with which to communicate (like a word is used) and as an object on which to focus and to organise her or his mathematical ideas (again as a word is used) even before she or he fully comprehends the meaning of this sign. Through this sign usage, I claim that the mathematical concept evolves for that learner so that it eventually has personal meaning, like the meaning of a new word does for a child; furthermore, because the usage is socially regulated, I claim that the concept evolves for the learner so that its usage concurs with its usage in the mathematical community. In line with Vygotsky, I call this usage of the mathematical sign before mature understanding, ‘functional use’. I demonstrate ‘functional use’ of signs (manipulations, imitations, template-matching and associations) through an analysis of an interview in which a mathematics university student engages with a ‘new’ mathematical sign, the improper integral, using pedagogically designed tasks and a standard Calculus textbook as resources.

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