
Objetivo – El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en establecer valores de referencia para futbolistas profesionales en una serie de test funcionales seleccionados previamente.
 Método – Durante dos temporadas (2012/13 y 2013/14) y en tres momentos distintos de las mismas, 42 futbolistas profesionales fueron evaluados funcionalmente mediante las siguientes pruebas: CMJ (salto bipodal), 5 m Shuttle Run Sprint Test (velocidad/agilidad), Test de Barrow (agilidad), Y Balance Test (control postural), Single Hop Test y Triple Hop Test (salto unipodal).
 Resultados – Los valores medios obtenidos fueron: CMJ (40.25±4.13cm), 5 m Shuttle Run Sprint Test (10.89±0.38 segundos), Test de Barrow (7.46±0.27 segundos), Y Balance asimetría derecha (4.63±2.16%), Y Balance asimetría izquierda (3.91±2.25%), Single Hop Test derecha (2.06±0.11 metros), Single Hop Test izquierda (2.07±0.12 metros), Triple Hop Test derecha (6.87±0.29 metros) y Triple Hop Test izquierda (6.83±0.31).
 Conclusión – Este trabajo contribuye aportando valores de referencia que puedan ser utilizados para cuantificar el grado de recuperación funcional durante la recuperación de un futbolista profesional lesionado. Aim - The objective of this study was to establish reference values for professional football players in a series of previously selected functional tests.
 Methods - 42 professional football players were functionally assessed during two seasons (2012/13 and 2013/14), at three different times: preseason, midpoint of the season and end of the season. For this purpose, the following tests were carried out: Counter Movement Jump (bipodal jump), 5 metres Shuttle Run Sprint Test (speed/agility), Barrow Test (agility), Y Balance Test (posture control), Single Hop Test and Triple Hop Test (unipodal jump).
 Results - The average obtained values were: Counter Movement Jump (40.25±4.13cm), 5 metres Shuttle Run Sprint Test (10.89±0.38 seconds), Barrow Test (7.46±0.27 seconds), right asymmetry Y Balance Test (4.63±2.16%), left asymmetry Y Balance Test (3.91±2.25%), right Single Hop Test (2.06±0.11 meters), left Single Hop Test (2.07±0.12 meters), right Triple Hop Test (6.87±0.29 meters) and left Triple Hop Test (6.83±0.31).
 Conclusion - This paper contributes reference values which can be used to determine the sports performance or quantify the degree of functional recovery of an professional injured football player during his recovery.

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