
A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause. A multiple sentence contains one or more clauses as its immediate constituents. Multiple sentences are either compound or complex. In a compound sentence the immediate constituents are two or more coordinate clause. In a complex sentence one or more of its elements, such as direct object or adverbial, are realized by a subordinate. [1] Simple sentence may be divided into four major syntactic classes, whose use correlates with different communicative functions; [2] we have in Albanian and English same structure of forms e.g. The sentence that has the subject and is always present and usually precedes the verb and it is positive sentence: The teacher will speak to the dean today. Mesuesi do te flet me dekanin sot. The question sentence forms have three or more models of making and noun is the kernel e.g. Will teacher speak to the dean today? Keywords: simple, compound, complex and compound complex, sentence, Albanian, English [1] Randolph Quirk (…). (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language . London, p. 719. [2] Randalph Quirk. (1973). A university grammar of English . London, p. 191. Article visualizations:

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