
The circadian clock of Neurospora broadly regulates gene expression and is synchronized with the environment through molecular responses to changes in ambient light and temperature. It is generally understood that light entrainment of the clock depends on a functional circadian oscillator comprising the products of the wc-1 and wc-2 genes as well as those of the frq gene (the FRQ/WCC oscillator). However, various models have been advanced to explain temperature regulation. In nature, light and temperature cues reinforce one another such that transitions from dark to light and/or cold to warm set the clock to subjective morning. In some models, the FRQ/WCC circadian oscillator is seen as essential for temperature-entrained clock-controlled output; alternatively, this oscillator is seen exclusively as part of the light pathway mediating entrainment of a cryptic "driving oscillator" that mediates all temperature-entrained rhythmicity, in addition to providing the impetus for circadian oscillations in general. To identify novel clock-controlled genes and to examine these models, we have analyzed gene expression on a broad scale using cDNA microarrays. Between 2.7 and 5.9% of genes were rhythmically expressed with peak expression in the subjective morning. A total of 1.4-1.8% of genes responded consistently to temperature entrainment; all are clock controlled and all required the frq gene for this clock-regulated expression even under temperature-entrainment conditions. These data are consistent with a role for frq in the control of temperature-regulated gene expression in N. crassa and suggest that the circadian feedback loop may also serve as a sensor for small changes in ambient temperature.

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