
We rigorously determine the exact freezing threshold, rkf, for k-colourings of a random graph. We prove that for random graphs with density above rkf, almost every colouring is such that a linear number of variables are frozen, meaning that their colours cannot be changed by a sequence of alterations whereby we change the colours of o(n) vertices at a time, always obtaining another proper colouring. When the density is below rkf, then almost every colouring has at most o(n) frozen variables. This confirms hypotheses made using the non-rigorous cavity method. It has been hypothesized that the freezing threshold is the cause of the algorithmic barrier, the long observed phenomenon that when the edge-density of a random graph exceeds hf k ln k(1+ok(1)), no algorithms are known to find k-colourings, despite the fact that this density is only half the k-colourability threshold. We also show that rkf is the threshold of a strong form of reconstruction for k-colourings of the Galton-Watson tree, and of the graphical model.

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