
Apart from the qualitative features described in \cite{chm}, the renormalization group equation derived for the rotation of the fermion mass matrices are amenable to quantitative study. The equation depends on a coupling and a fudge factor and, on integration, on 3 integration constants. Its application to data analysis, however, requires the input from experiment of the heaviest generation masses $m_t, m_b, m_\tau, m_{\nu_3}$ all of which are known, except for $m_{\nu_3}$. Together then with the theta-angle in the QCD action, there are in all 7 real unknown parameters. Determining these 7 parameters by fitting to the experimental values of the masses $m_c, m_\mu, m_e$, the CKM elements $|V_{us}|, |V_{ub}|$, and the neutrino oscillation angle $\sin^2\theta_{13}$, one can then calculate and compare with experiment the following 12 other quantities $m_s, m_u/m_d, |V_{ud}|, |V_{cs}|, |V_{tb}|, |V_{cd}|, |V_{cb}|, |V_{ts}|, |V_{td}|, J, \sin^2 2\theta_{12}, \sin^2 2\theta_{23}$, and the results all agree reasonably well with data, often to within the stringent experimental error now achieved. Counting the predictions not yet measured by experiment, this means that 17 independent parameters of the standard model are now replaced by 7 in the FSM.

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