
The Report gives in the first place the usual statistical information in regard to lunacy in Scotland for the year 1906. On January 1st, 1907, there were in Scotland, exclusive of insane persons maintained at home by their natural guardians, 17,593 insane persons known officially to the Board. Of these, 17,121 were registered insane, comprising 14,214 persons in Royal, district, parochial, and private asylums and in lunatic wards of poorhouses, and 2,907 persons under care in private dwellings. The non-registered insane were 51 persons in the Criminal Lunatic Department of the General Prison at Perth, and 421 in training schools for imbeciles. Of the registered insane 2,375 were maintained from private sources, and 14,746 by parochial rates; and the figures show that during the year 1906 there was an increase of private patients by 9, and of pauper patients by 166. Among the non-registered insane the number in the Lunatic Department of Perth Prison (and maintained by the State) was the same as in the previous year, while in training schools for imbeciles there was a diminution of 32.

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