
AbstractThis paper updates the earlier account of the Forties Field detailed in Geological Society Memoir 14 (Wills 1991), and gives a brief description of the Brimmond Field, a small Eocene accumulation overlying Forties (Fig. 1).The Forties Field is located 180 km ENE of Aberdeen. It was discovered in 1970 by well 21/10-1 which encountered 119 m of oil bearing Paleocene sands at a depth of 2131 m sub-sea. A five well appraisal programme confirmed the presence of a major discovery including an extension into Block 22/6 to the southeast. Oil-in-place was estimated to be 4600 MMSTB with recoverable reserves of 1800 MM STB. The field was brought onto production in September 1975. Plateau production of 500 MBOD was reached in 1978, declining from 1981 to 77 MBOD in 1999.In September 1992 a programme of infill drilling commenced, which continues today. The earlier infill targets were identified using 3D seismic acquired in 1988. Acquisition of a further 3D survey in 1996 has allowed the infill drilling programme to continue with new seismic imaging of lithology, fluids and saturation changes. The performance of the 1997 drilling showed that high step-out and new technology wells, including multi-lateral and horizontal wells, did not deliver significantly better targets than drilling in previous years.In line with smaller targets, and in the current oil price environment, low cost technology is being developed through the 1999 drilling programme. Through Tubing Rotary Drilling (TTRD) is currently seen as the most promising way of achieving a step

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