
In less than one year, the hybrid thin-film component (HTFC) production operation at Avantek transformed itself into a showcase for successful world-class manufacturing (WCM). Production cycle time was reduced by 60%, work-in-progress inventory was reduced by 92%, and overall process yields were improved by over 15%. WCM for this HTFC operation included the application of a number of productivity concepts. The proper mix of just-in-time (JIT), total quality management (TQM), and employee involvement concepts has transformed this operation into a strategic and powerful competitive tool for Avantek. The authors discuss HTFC's successful empowerment of employees and its development of a group teamwork approach. While the success of the team work approach intertwines with the other WCM tools, teamwork has created infectious group enthusiasm for problem solving in the TQM mode while eliminating nonvalue-added activity as required by JIT. In this environment, operators, engineers, and managers became equal contributors and a fair, open, and energetic forum for the continuous improvement process was established. >

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