
RETRACTED ARTICLE The aim of the article is to consider the issues of professional competence formation of the teacher of preschool education in the system of additional education; the necessity of educational space extension of preschool children is proved. Methods . The author relies on the technique of the competency approach to teacher preparation pre-school education, while using both theoretical and empirical research methods. The methods involve the retrospective analysis of research works of Russian scholars on pedagogics and psychology; empirical methods – pedagogical diagnostics on the basis of questioning, analysis of psychopedagogical diagnosis. Results . In the course of pedagogical diagnostics in order to determine whether the content of teacher competence features educational activities in terms of pre-school education it was found that among the most important qualities required of a teacher of preschool education, the respondents allocate humanely-personal and communication skills, functional literacy and reflective skills; majority of respondents found it difficult and/or do not know how to put into practice the polysubjective principle, which is very important at the level of pre-school education. The process of skills formation is described to carry out student teaching on the basis of the proposed principle. It is suggested to put students – the future teachers into the teaching process or real professional work in phases. Scientific novelty and practical significance . The author gives the classification of groups of professional competence indicators of the teacher of preschool education. Ways for the decision of the priority problems defined in Federal State Educational Standard of Pre-school Education (FSES PE) in a context of the polysubjective approach are shown; each participant of educational process acts as its active member. The author of article considers additional education as a perspective direction of development of preschool pedagogics, which despite the gathered wide experience of children development by means of additional educational services, has not been considered yet as the complex phenomenon and a resource of optimisation of preschool preparation of children. Attention is drawn to the fact that yet now, the deep comparative analysis of the performance efficiency with preschool children of the general and additional educational institutions hasn’t been carried. It is also required to design the system of expert assessment and working out of diagnostic procedures for defining the productivity of experts training programs of an additional education; and conformance inspection of these programs due to specifications of Federal State Educational Standard of Pre-school Education (FSES PE). Such research works will help to provide the maximum achievement of a purpose of preschool pedagogics – complex development of intellectual, spiritually-moral, creative and physical potential of children.



  • The methods involve the retrospective analysis of research works of Russian scholars on pedagogics and psychology; empirical methods – pedagogical diagnostics on the basis of questioning, analysis of psychopedagogical diagnosis

  • In the course of pedagogical diagnostics in order to determine whether the content of teacher competence features educational activities in terms of pre-school education it was found that among the most important qualities required of a teacher of preschool education, the respondents allocate humanely-personal and communication skills, functional literacy and reflective skills; majority of respondents found it difficult and/or do not know how to put into practice the polysubjective principle, which is very important at the level of pre-school education

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ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТИ ПЕДАГОГА ПРЕДШКОЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В СИСТЕМЕ ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОГО В статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования профессиональной компетентности педагога предшкольного образования и обосновывается необходимость расширения образовательного пространства дошкольников. Однако большинство педагогов не знает, как на практике в полной мере реализовать очень важный для дошкольного образования принцип полисубъектности.

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