
In the summer of 1930 Comrade Li Lisan, who was the effective leader of the CCP, committed the "left"-deviationist error. Li Lisan's leftist error, which was characterized principally by adventurism, met with the criticism and opposition of the Comintern, and, under the leadership of the Comintern, it was quickly corrected. In the past, those who have studied this question have for the most part given attention only to the central role played by the Comintern in correcting the line, and they have overlooked the formation of the line and the important connection between it and the Comintern. Or else, when analyzing and summing up the reasons for the creation of the line, they have looked for the answers within our party and have intentionally or unintentionally ignored causes extraneous to it. I believe that the correct actions of the Comintern in the Chinese revolution should be fully affirmed, but I also believe that its mistakes should be identified by means of seeking truth through facts. For example, the theory of the "third stage" played a guiding role in the production of the Li Lisan leftist error. In line with seeking truth through facts and emancipating our minds, I believe that clarification of this question as a whole will help us draw lessons from our historical experience.

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