
Purpose: The urgent task of higher education is the formation of skills of processing sports-pedagogical and biomedical data in masters of physical education and sports. Recently, sufficient attention to the question of verifying the subordination of empirical data to the normal distribution law in biomedical and sports pedagogical studies was not paid. The purpose of the article is to increase the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in statistical data processing in masters of physical education and sports by the example of testing the hypothesis about the normal law of distribution of observed values. Methodology: Methods used at studying process are studying, analysis, systematization of scientific and special literature, generalization of scientific, educational and practical experience, pedagogical experiment. Findings: Methodological techniques that ensure the improvement of the quality of mathematics and statistical training of masters in physical education and sports have been highlighted. The use of professionally directed tasks, the presentation of a step-by-step algorithm for solving them along with the automation of computational procedures creates the conditions for the effective assimilation of educational material. There is the scheme of a practical class on the formation of skills to assess the normality of the empirical distribution. Contribution and Recommendation: Mathematical statistics is a powerful tool for studying patterns, and the use of statistical methods in sports-pedagogical and biomedical research ensures the development of sports sciences. It proves the versatility of proposed methods. Thus, this research contributes to all elements, both sports and education.


  • Modern sports-pedagogical and biomedical research involves the processing of significant amounts of data in order to identify causal relationships and patterns and obtain reliable conclusions

  • It is known that the use of a large number of statistical methods suggests that the data to be processed are distributed normally

  • Any statistical analysis of data should begin by testing the statistical hypothesis that the empirical data is subject to the normal distribution law

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Modern sports-pedagogical and biomedical research involves the processing of significant amounts of data in order to identify causal relationships and patterns and obtain reliable conclusions. For future specialists in the social and humanitarian sciences, the application of statistical methods is often an extremely complicated and overwhelming task, and the processing of the results of their experimental activities often remains at an unsatisfactory level [7]. Since the automation of calculations greatly simplifies the perception of students of educational material and opens up great opportunities for the application of statistical methods without taking into account the level of mathematical preparation of students [8], the methodology for developing masters of physical education and sports in the processing of sportspedagogical and biomedical data should be based on minimization of theoretical materials and application of information technology. Scientists are paying attention to the formation of the ability of future specialists in physical education and sports to act effectively and professionally under conditions of significant influence of random factors. Ways to solve the problems of using the methods of mathematical statistics in sports and educational studies of masters of physical education and sports are highlighted [9], an algorithm for analyzing personal data in sports and pedagogical studies is presented [10], a methodology for preparing students of higher education in physical education institutions to apply the method of expert assessments is proposed [11]

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