
In the prsent paper some of the results of our studies on the formation of cube texture in an iron silicon alloy with silicon content of 3.25% are described. It is found that cube texture in this alloy can be developed either by the process of secondary recrystallization or simply by the process of primary recrystallization. In case of the formation of cube texture by the former process no nucleation process is involved. Nuclei of the (100) [001] orientation are already present after the completion of primary recrystallization, and are surrounded, for most cases, by grains having (110) [001] orientations. Exaggerated growth of cube-oriented grains takes place when the normal growth of other grains are restricted. In case of the formation of a cube texture by primary recrystallization, a spread of cold-rolled cube texture must be present after the last step of cold rolling. Upon final annealing at a low temperature, a recrystallized cube texture by the process of recrystallization-in-situ is obtained. The cube texture may be further concentrated with an increase of final annealing temperature. Basing upon the measurements by the conventional magnetic torque method, the amount of (100) [001] texture is calculated to be over 90%.

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