
The article deals with the essential status of the phenomenon of tolerance in the society, when the modern man needs to properly navigate in the space of multiculturalism in order to adequately respond to the changes, to distinguish the negative, destructive from the truly positive, constructive. In this respect, it is easy to get lost if the existing system of education does not direct the spiritual development of man in the right direction, which implies the strength of the spirit in the process of merging with the dynamically changing surrounding reality. A qualitatively new educational system also implies a qualitatively new interpretation of human freedom in the context of tolerance. It means that a person must be free from socio-national stereotypes of the attitude towards other cultures and peoples and to develop, together with qualified teaching staff with sufficient spiritual experience behind them, his/her view of the peoples and cultures of the world, which would not contradict their consideration as rich historical formations. Modern man, first of all, must learn to be responsible for those values that concern not only his everyday life, but also belong to the world’s spirituality. This includes, above all, the values of human life, individual freedom, creative realization, etc. All this can be taught from an early age by a quality educational system oriented toward this direction.

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