
Our research is devoted to the study of modern Ukrainian onomastics, in particular, of urban onomastics. It was determined that the factors affecting the street names of the city of Lviv include not only linguistic, but also non-linguistic factors, namely: ethno-cultural, cultural-historical and political. In the urbanonymicon of the city of Lviv, the names of streets that were renamed in a certain period of time and the names of streets that have remained unchanged since the beginning of their naming coexist. During the analysis of urban names of the city of Lviv, we found out which norms of the “Ukrainian orthography” correspond to the street names of the city of Lviv, as well as which violations of the norms of the “Ukrainian orthography” contradict the traditions of the Ukrainian language. The Ukrainian onomasticon of the post-Soviet period reflects important social and cultural changes caused by changes in the consciousness of Ukrainians, as well as the process of changing the ideological priorities of modern Ukrainians, which became the cause of transformational changes in the consciousness of society, which are speakers of the language. Modern Ukrainian scientists show great interest in Ukrainian onomastics, in particular onyms and urbanonyms. The development of many Ukrainian onomatopoeia is devoted to the study of the Ukrainian urban onym space of the post-Soviet era. However, today there are not enough studies that would be devoted to the analysis of the linguistic didactic aspect of the Ukrainian urbanonym vocabulary of the post-totalitarian era of the city of Lviv. It was determined that the factors affecting the street names of the city of Lviv include not only linguistic, but also non-linguistic factors, namely: ethno-cultural, cultural-historical and political. In the urbanonymicon of the city of Lviv, the names of streets that were renamed in a certain period of time and the names of streets that have remained unchanged since the beginning of their naming coexist. Street names are a unique source of information about Lviv. They reveal the history, culture, customs and traditions of the city’s residents. During the analysis of urban names of the city of Lviv, we found out which norms of the “Ukrainian spelling” correspond to the names of the streets of the city of Lviv, as well as which violations of the norms of the “Ukrainian spelling” that contradict the traditions of the Ukrainian language occur in the official names of the streets of the city of Lviv. Key words: urban onym, word culture, onomastics, language history, legislation

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