
Law enforcement forensic intelligence is the accurate, timely and useful product of logically processing forensic case data for investigation and/or intelligence purposes and is, to some extent, an emerging discipline. In the military domain, intelligence has a long history and military organizations have forensic science capabilities. However, to date, military organizations have not formally implemented forensic intelligence models. Forensic science is an end-to-end process and forensic intelligence spans the continuum between forensic science informing law enforcement investigations or military intelligence through to prosecution in the criminal justice system. Hence, forensic intelligence can be consistent with military objectives and could be a valuable model for military organizations in the long-term. The purpose of this article is to review law enforcement forensic intelligence models and explore requirements for military forensic intelligence models. To achieve operational utility, a military forensic intelligence model needs to enable the provision of timely forensic intelligence to be fused with all-source intelligence. The right methodologies will preserve the forensic science rigor, which will balance the forensic intelligence needs with the criminal justice system standards. A principle-based approach to the development of a military forensic intelligence model can provide a flexible and adaptive model across the spectrum of military conflicts.

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