
For a connected graph G = (V, E), a set Se ⊆ E(G)–{e} is called an edge fixing edge-to-vertex monophonic set of an edge e of a connected graph G if every vertex of G lies on an e – f edge-to-vertex monophonic path of G, where f ∈ Se. The edge fixing edge-to-vertex monophonic number mefev(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of its edge fixing edge-to-vertex monophonic sets of an edge e of G. A subset Me ⊆ Se in a connected graph G is called a forcing subset for Se, if Se is the unique edge fixing edge-to-vertex monophonic set of e of G containing Me. A forcing subset for Se of minimum cardinality is a minimum subset of Se. The forcing edge fixing edge-to-vertex monophonic number of G denoted by fefev(G) = min {fefev(Se)}, where the minimum is taken over all cardinality of a minimal edge fixing edge-to-vertex monophonic set of e of G. The forcing edge fixing edge-to-vertex monophonic number of certain classes of graphs is determined and some of its general properties are studied. It is shown that for every integers a and b with 0 ≤ a ≤ b, b ≥ 1, there exists a connected graph G such that fefev(G) = a, mefev(G) = b.

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