
fungus of Cyphomyrmex rimosus, Apterostigma mayri or Atta colombica. The first sporophores of the fungus of Cyphomyrmex costatus were produced from Colony A fungus in a 125-cc flask of sterile oats inoculated November 15, 1955. Sporophores matured in January and February. Another sporophore, from Colony B fungus, matured on May 31 and was produced in a 150-cc flask of sterile wheat inoculated January 11, 1956. These sporophores have been identified by Doctors Alexander H. Smith and Marcel Loquin as belonging to the genus Lepiota (Leucosporae) of Agaricaceae in the Basidiomycetes. They appear to be the first ant fungus sporophores to be produced in artificial culture and the second to be definitely associated with ants. Moller in 1893 proved that sporophores found growing from Acromyrmex disciger nests in southern Brazil were the true ant fungus and named them Rhozites gongylophora, now considered a synonym of Pholiota (Ochrosporae), also in the Agaricaceae. At the present time these are the only names that can clearly be applied to ant fungi. REFERENCES

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