
Since 1959, cervical osteochondrosis and idiopatic cervico-omo-brachialgia have been examined in our clinic. Those invlod 256 cases of idiopatic cervico-omo-brachialgia, 116 cases of cervial osteochondrosis. In the previous paper, upon the cervical osteochondrosis, the myelopathy and radiculopathy were comparatively studied. In this paper the author wishes to make a comparison with the radiculopathy, the myelopathy and idipatic cervico-omo-brachialgia. Both of the radiculopathy and the idiopatic cervico-omo-brachialgia, manifest the nuchal and shoulder pains.The symptome of the myelopathy are specialized as sensory disturbance and numbness sensetion with various manifestation in cervical X-ray finding. On the other hand, idiopatic cervico-omo-brachialgia has only pain and tenderness localized in cervical and shoulder region and there are some changes in X-ray.The follow-up studies were upon the idiopatic cervico-omo-brachialgia, the radiculopathy and the myelopathy. The symptome became better in 58% of the idiopatic cervico-omo-brachialgia, and 68% of the radiculopathy, but it was unchanged or became worse in 60% of the myelopathy.

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