
In this chapter, the Focus Theory of Normative Conduct is discussed. This theory posits that social norms provide people with decisional shortcuts of how to behave in certain situations, either because it is typical or normal (descriptive social norms) or because it is appropriate or desired (injunctive social norms). This theory further specifies that any given social norm will only influence behavior when it is activated at the moment of the behavioral decision, that is, when that specific norm is made salient or when an individual’s attention is focused on that specific norm while choosing their path of action (normative focus). Depending on the specific context, both descriptive and injunctive social norms may be effective in engendering behavioral change. Effectiveness of social norm interventions has been shown to depend on whether people have the resources to attend to the social norm in question to the extent that it becomes focal in guiding their behavior and on whether people can identify with the social norm group.

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