
The Present paper focuses on the maternal and new born health in India and Karnataka. The view of the Worldwide each day 800 women die from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth, while millons more suffer from post partum injuries. In India was 53 per 1000 live births in 2008. In infant mortalit rate and the millenniun developing goal-4 on child survival. In Indian contribute to matenal deaths about a quarter of all golbal level. Maternal mortality as the death of a women during pregnancy or in the first 42 days after the birth of the child due to causes directly or indirectly linked with the pregnancy. Maternal mortality rate in India is 254 per 100,000 live births. We compared to pakisthan at 320 per 100,000 live births and China stands at 45 per 100,000 live births. In India maternal mortality rate have been directly impact on infant mortality babies, but first 6 weekes whose mothers die of their lives are far more likely to die in the first two years of life than babies survivel. In India only 43 per cent of women accept an institutional delivery and 53 per cent of women had their births assisted by a skilled birth attendant. Now a days so many women still do not get three antenatal visits during pregnancy. Some women only consume iron and folic acid for at least 100 days during pregnancy. The causes of maternal deaths occur because of hemorrhage and sepsis. In a large number of deaths are preventable through safe deliveries and also adequate maternal health care. In child mortality is a sensitive indicator of a country’s development. In India, the infant mortality rate has been shown a modest decline in recent years. The new born period is the starting period from birth and continues throughout 28 days of life. Mortality in the newborn period stands at 35 per 1000 lives births and contributes to 65 per cent of all deaths in the first year of life, In the major causes contribute to about 60 per cent of all deaths in the newborn perid prematurity and low birth weight, birth asphyscia and infections, managed by households, communities and health facilities. Rural women also neglecting their prgnancy period and in india such a dont have good health facilities in rural areas.

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