
History. —W. H., aged 29, married, gave a negative family history. For 12 or 13 years, until two months ago, his occupation had been that of a steam hammer driver. On an average of probably 5 times a day he would throw his weight on a heavy lever, alighting on the abdomen. He had never had any illness from the age of 14 to 24; he had been a hard drinker; was treated 8 years ago for specific trouble, which showed as a row of indurated ulcers, extending around the corona; this condition baffled his physicians for 10 months, but yielded immediately to the application of dry calomel. No suspicious symptom developed since. Eight years ago he noticed pain in his left hip and leg, which rapidly became very severe, compelling him to walk with a cane for the next four years, though not preventing him from attending to his

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