
The Mavi Marmara flotilla, which sailed for a humanitarian mission and aimed to break the Israeli blockade to Gaza, was intercepted by the Israeli soldiers on high sea on 31st May 2010. In this raid, nine civilians have lost their lives on the spot and 55 others were wounded. States and their agents can be held accountable if they commit crimes. Therefore, the Mavi Marmara victims have the right to sue at national and international level the Israeli officers who took part in the operation. Some victims have filed criminal and civil cases before the Turkish courts against Israel and its officers. Besides these judicial cases brought before the national courts, a referral was also made by the Union of the Comoros, flag country of the Mavi Marmara vessel, to the International Criminal Court. Meanwhile, Turkey and Israel have signed a bilateral agreement for the compensation of the bereaved families. This compensation agreement clears Israel and its officers off all legal responsibilities arising from the flotilla incident before the Turkish courts. This bilateral agreement is a legal obstruction imposed to the victims in their quest of justice. The Turkish Court of Cassation, in its recent decisions, has requested the courts of first instance to take into consideration the provisions of the said agreement. Despite the above mentioned agreement, the victims shall have still the right to sue the Israeli officials responsible for the flotilla incident before national, foreign and international courts, on the grounds of crime against humanity, provided that the necessary requirements are fulfilled.


  • The main objective of the Mavi Marmara flotilla was to draw the attention of the international community to the Israeli blockade on Gaza and, if possible, to break

  • Due to the intensifying pressure of the international public opinion, the Israeli authorities were compelled to alleviate the blockade against Gaza. Along with this modest step, the Israeli authorities tried to justify their military intervention to the flotilla from the perspective of international law, while the Turkish government accused the Israeli authorities for violating basic principles of the international law and for killing Turkish citizens in international waters

  • Taking into account that the Mavi Marmara flotilla passengers were unarmed civilians; that it was transporting food and medicines; that it had a humanitarian mission and this was declared to the international community; that the Israeli military intervention took place on high seas and has resulted with the death of nine civilians and the injury of 55 persons (UNSG Panel of Inquiry Report, para. 56) it is hard to argue that the military intervention to the flotilla was in conformity with international law

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The main objective of the Mavi Marmara flotilla was to draw the attention of the international community to the Israeli blockade on Gaza and, if possible, to break. Due to the intensifying pressure of the international public opinion, the Israeli authorities were compelled to alleviate the blockade against Gaza Along with this modest step, the Israeli authorities tried to justify their military intervention to the flotilla from the perspective of international law, while the Turkish government accused the Israeli authorities for violating basic principles of the international law and for killing Turkish citizens in international waters. The legal responsibility of the Israeli authorities in the incident and the victims’ rights to sue Israel and its officers at international and national levels will be treated In this respect, the referral of the Union of the Comoros (hereinafter, Comoros), flag state of the Mavi Marmara vessel, against Israel before the International Criminal Court (ICC) will be treated. The agreement between Turkey and Israel regarding the compensation of the Mavi Marmara victims will be examined article by article; and the recent decisions of the Turkish Court of Cassation regarding the indemnity claims of the Mavi Marmara victims, upon the conclusion of the said agreement, will be explored

Israel’s Blockade against Gaza from the Perspective of International Law
International Reports Regarding the Mavi Marmara Incident
16 This observation of the Panel arises a simple question
18 Vessels in the Mavi Marmara flotilla and their flag countries are as below
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