
The paper deals with the main flight phases of the spacecraft rockets and automatic spacecrafts for the planets scientific missions including the active flight with firing engines in the Earth atmosphere; the flight on the LEO; transfer flight to the other planets; entry to the planet atmosphere; flight with the parachute system; landing and operation on the planet surface. The schemes of the spacecraft landing to the surfaces of the Venus, the Mars, the Moon the Earth satellite are presented. Main systems of descend and landing spacecraft main systems are also presented. The paper describes the main natural and artificial factors and loadings, acting during the spacecraft operation, the vibration and acoustic loads; linear accelerations, natural and the Earth’s artificial electromagnetic belts, galactic and solar space radiation, the solar heat radiations, meteorites, space vacuum, electromagnetic radiation, low gravity, space waste, aerial gaseous and dynamic factors. The theoretical and experimental study of the space environment and loadings acting on the automated spacecraft during its operational phases should be performed at the phase of experimental development to provide the specified reliability. A reasonability of the lunar surface base creation has been substantiated. The base will be provided with the systems of hydrogen and oxygen production. Here the automated spacecraft propulsion system will be refilled with the propellant components. After that the spacecraft can fly to the deep space objects.

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