
The flagellar apparatus of 3 isolates ofHeterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada has been studied by serial sectioning. The two basal bodies lie at almost right angles to one another, but in a different plane, and are interconnected by an extensive root system. This consists of three roots (i) a massive cross-banded fibrous root (= rhizoplast) which extends from near the proximal ends of both basal bodies to the anterior surface of the nucleus, (ii) a compound microtubular root with a layered structure, associated with the hairy anterior flagellum and extending to the anterior surface and (iii) the rhizostyle which passes between the two basal bodies leading anteriorly to a vesicle in the flagellar groove region and following the nucleus posteriorly terminating deep in the cytoplasm. Both the characteristic arrangement of the basal bodies and the presence of the complex layered structure are characteristic of theRaphidophyceae. The broad microtubular root, however, to which the layered structure is attached, appears to be characteristic of nearly all heterokont algae, fungi and protozoa so far examined. Thus, our findings have important implications on phylogenetic relationships within the heterokonts and lead us to question whether some of the present classes such as theChrysophyceae andXanthophyceae are indeed natural groups.

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