
The article centers around some outcomes of the rule of Saudi king Salman who ascended the throne in January of2015 after the demise of his brother, Crown Prince Abdallah. The present economic situation is outlined in broad terms in light of worldwide fall of hydrocarbons prices through 2015 and their stabilization in 2016. The author analyses foreign performance of the royal supreme authority, its motifs and declared targets. It is emphasized that amid the consequences of Arab spring Riaydh is seeking to come to the front position in the region. The article deals with Saudi policy towards Iran, Yemen, events in Syria, and the development of SaudiAmerican relations which nowadays are exposed to the criticism from the both sides.


  • Summary The article centers around some outcomes of the rule of Saudi king Salman who ascended the throne in January of2015 after the demise of his brother, Crown Prince Abdallah

  • The present economic situation is outlined in broad terms in light of worldwide fall of hydrocarbons prices through 2015 and their stabilization in 2016

  • It is emphasized that amid the consequences of Arab spring Riaydh is seeking to come to the front position in the region

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Стал для КСА годом беспрецедентно высокого дефицита в размере 98 млрд долл., который власти покрывали за счет своих валютных резервов. 9 URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/12012347/Saudi-Arabias-pockets-are-deep-enoughto-weather-oil-price-slump.html вия оказалась не в состоянии помешать возникновению под эгидой США новой системы власти в Ираке, в которой доминируют партии шиитского спектра. Что власти Эр-Рияда тормозят карьерное продвижение своих граждан-шиитов.

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