
The larvae of the blue pea butterfly, Lampedies boeticus L., were observed for the first time feeding on Ziziphus spina-christi leaves in 2020 in the gardens of Mosul University / Nineveh Governorate. The larvae feed on the lower surface layer of the leaves, leaving the feeding places in the form of transparent linear spots. The leaf may be stripped of its green area when the infection intensifies and eventually leads to its fall. The rate and severity of leaf injury varied during the months of the year and reached its peak in November with an average of 61.42% and 20.06 linear/leaf spots, respectively, while the injury rate of leaf and severity were the lowest in May with an average of 2.47%, 0, 61 linear spots/leaf. The results also showed that the southern and eastern directions of the tree were the most preferred for the insect, as the average rates of leaf infestation were 22,84, 22.12%, respectively. The mid-site leaves on the stem were the most affected by the feeding of butterfly larvae, with a severity of 7.08 linear spot/leaf.

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