
Purpose Accurate data on the number of transgender and non-binary people are essential for the effectiveness of planning and implementation of transgender services, as well as for advocacy, but these data are insufficient. Our goal in this study was to estimate the number of transgender people in Georgia and compare it with estimations in other Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) countries. Methods We used a variety of methodologies, including the mobile/web app multiplier, service multiplier, and network-based capture-recapture (Telefunken) methods, which all were included in a survey of 100 transgender people. A final estimation was obtained using the Anchored Multiplier method. We also review the existing research on estimating transgender and non-binary population sizes in EECA countries. Results The estimation final value of transgender and non-binary people in Georgia was 0.06 [0.05–0.07%] of the total adult (18–54 years) population of the country or 1,044 [870–1,219]. Conclusion Our transgender and non-binary population size estimates in Georgia are in line with those in other EECA countries. These estimates can offer useful information for planning and assessing trans specific services, including HIV prevention programs at the national level. Furthermore, we believe that our findings will close the information gap regarding regional estimates of transgender and non-binary populations.

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