
Sooty Falcon Falco concolor is small to medium-sized, greysh, migrant Falcon, breeds mainly in islands’ cliffs around Arabia and inland in Libya and Egypt, and migrates to east Africa. This species in classified as Vulnerable (VU) in the IUCN Red List. During one of the regular surveys conducted by the Iraqi Organization for Conservation of Nature (IOCN), the first Sooty Falcon for Iraq was found at Zibliya area close to Dalmaj protected area, approx. 35km northeast of Diwaniya city in the Middle Euphrates region of Iraq. The habitat where the first Sooty Falcon was found consists of open farms with desert margins in addition to intensive, long rows of tall trees (Tamarix aphylla) distributed in different locations within Zibliya area. Considerable list of Passerines and other small bird species were also found in the area that might form preferred food items for Sooty Falcon. This observation represents the first record of Sooty Falcon for Iraq.

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